Home of Steven Zurita's photography and YouTube videos
Posts in From Under a Rock
16- Terminator (Steven)
From Under a Rock, Podcast, StevenHyperdrive PicturesTerminator, Genisys, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Judgement Day, John Connor, Sarah Connor, From Under A Rock, Linda Hamilton, Kyle Reese, Podcast, Film Review, Movie, James Cameron
15- Sgt. Bilko (Ryan)
14- Casablanca (James)
From Under a Rock, James, PodcastHyperdrive PicturesCasablanca, Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman, Paul Henreid, From Under A Rock, Podcast, Film Review, Movie
13- Clerks: The Animated Series (Michael)
12- Princess Mononoke (James)
From Under a Rock, James, PodcastHyperdrive PicturesPrinces Mononoke, Hayao Miyazaki, From Under A Rock, Studio Ghibli, Podcast, Film Review, Movie, Anime
11- Vampires: Los Muertos
From Under a Rock, Steven, PodcastHyperdrive PicturesJohn Carpenter, Vampires: Los Muertos, Bon Jovi, Jon, From, Podcast, Film Review, Movie
10- Slither (Ryan)
9- Grindhouse (Michael)
From Under a Rock, Podcast, MichaelHyperdrive PicturesFrom Under A Rock, Podcast, Film Review, Movie, Grindhouse, Planet Terror, Death Proof, Robert Rodriguez, Kurt Russel, Deathproof, Quentin Tarantino
8- Troll 2 (James)
7.5 - The Fifth Element(ft. James Mastraieni)